By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer He was supposed to be bicycling 303 miles from Philadelphia, PA to Washington, D.C. for National Police Week. Oxford Police reserve officer Keith Redlin rode those same miles (across four states) last year for the Police Unity Tour, when thousands of officers from around the country “ride for those […]
By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Moved by Treasurer Joe Ferrari and seconded by Trustee Margie Payne, the Oxford Township Board of Trustees voted to approve a request for an outdoor service permit from Legacy 925 during their Zoom video conference meeting on May 13. The ruling enables Legacy 925’s bar and grill, 925 Social, […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford High School’s graduating class of 2020 will have to wait another month for commencement. The ceremony is scheduled for noon on June 30 at DTE Energy Music Theater in Clarkston. “That’s the date, rain or shine, 40 degrees or 90 degrees, it’s June 30th,” Superintendent Tim Throne said […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer What a tough year to graduate high school, having all celebrations and milestones cancelled or postponed. With commencement ceremony plans uncertain, staff still wanted to do something special for the class of 2020. So, they organized a drive-thru for seniors to drive by the high school to pick up […]
Sad to report another community resident lost their life due to COVID-19, this according to Oakland County’s COVID by ZIP website. This is the fourth such death in our ZIP code area of 48367, 48370 and 48371 since The Leader started its Monday morning tallies, on April 13. The latest death was in the Oxford […]
This weekend the colors of spring were in bloom at Oxford’s Centennial Park. While we’re all still under lock-down via the governor’s executive order, we thought we’d share ‘niceness’ from downtown. Photo by J. Hanlon.
According to Oxford Township’s website . . . Sewer bills are due June 5, not May 5 In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, payment of the current quarterly sewer bill (mailed on April 6) will NOT be due on May 5. Instead, sewer customers will have until June 5 to pay their bills without incurring […]
By Don Rush Leave it to the young to find ways to be happy and postive just by spreading cheer and kindness to others. Case-in-point, we introduce Leader readers to eight-year-old Alexa “Lexi” Keat. A paper she wrote while at home with her family and not finishing out her second grade class of Daniel Axford […]
Keep your fingers crossed, for the second week in a row the trends for our community in regards to COVID-19 continue to look good. According to numbers provided by Oakland County for the ZIP codes 48367, 48370 and 48371, there was only one new case of the disease, that in the Leonard ZIP. Since The […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Many organizations have been working diligently to ensure no one goes hungry during the crisis caused by COVID-19. House of Hope Ministry, for example, is helping feed residents of local mobile and manufactured homes. When the crisis began in March, the mobile home-based nonprofit put together sack lunches for […]