50 years of preserving local history

50 years of preserving local history

Artifacts, photos, stories and more By Don Rush One of the “gems” of Northeast Oakland County – the communities in and around Addison, Oxford and Orion townships – is the Northeast Oakland Historical Museum, located at the northwest corner of Washington and Burdick streets in downtown Oxford. The museum is 50 years old this year […]

#StrongerTogether Downtown Soiree

By Jim Newell and Megan Kelley Special Leader Writers Lake Orion’s and Oxford’s DDAs have proven they are stronger working together to support their communities, and now the two are hoping that that strength will help support another downtown historic community recently ravaged by fire. The Lake Orion and Village of Oxford Downtown Development Authorities […]

George Black III, 81

Longtime Oxford Township resident George M. Black III passed away unexpectedly on June 4, 2022. He was 81. George spent his youth in Grosse Pointe before moving to Oxford in 1971. He became an avid farmer, real estate agent, golfer and loved ski vacations with his family. He served in the United States Navy on […]

Memorial Day at Lakeville Cemetery

Memorial Day at Lakeville Cemetery

The annual Lakeville Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony is May 28, starting at 11:30 a.m. After the cememony there will be a potluck luncheon. The cemetery is located at 825 Drahner Road, in Leonard. For more information call 248-563-2261. Leader file photo

Oxford resident running to be judge

Oxford resident and Oakland County circuit judge candidate Tricia Dare has collected enough signatures to appear on the ballot. According to a press release, Michigan election law requires non-incumbent Oakland County circuit judge candidates to obtain and submit between 4,000 and 8,000 petition signatures to appear on the ballot. On April 7, Dare and her […]

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

  This Monday, 40 Easter Baskets were delivered by Meals on Wheels to homebound residents of Oxford and Addison townships. Besides their normal meal deliveries, residents received baskets with candy, crossword puzzles, pencils, paper, stuffed toys, lip balm and lotions. Pictured from the left are Meals on Wheels cordinator Mary Reynolds and volunteers from Lakepoint […]

Counelis Agency Cuts Ribbons

Counelis Agency Cuts Ribbons

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Melisa Counelis and family cut two ribbons signaling the grand opening of her Farm Bureau Insurance agency on Thursday, Oct. 14. Located at 14 S. Washington St. in the Village of Oxford, the Counelis Agency provides a number of insurance products. “We do anything from life insurance to your […]

Addison FD wins grant for rescue equipment

Addison FD wins grant for rescue equipment

Lift for life By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Addison Township Fire Department acquired special rescue equipment with the help of a $5,000 grant from the Four County Community Foundation (4CCF). The grant helped cover the purchase of a Paratech high pressure Air Lifting Bag kit. When inflated together, the kit’s five airbags can lift […]

Public Notice: Oxford Township

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS N O T I C E Meeting being conducted via video conference due to the health concern of COVID-19 and the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-75 A Regular Meeting of the Charter Township of Oxford Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Monday, July, 13, 2020, at […]

COVID-19 Weekly Update

Since mid-April, The Leader has reported on COVID-19 cases and deaths as supplied by Oakland County. This week, our ninth week of these reports we have a change, to the good. The county supplies numbers by ZIP code. Last week, we reported in the 48371 (Oxford) zip, there were a total of 73 cases and […]