Damn-it Jim, I’m NOT a doctor!

This past Sunday was that wonderful Hallmark holiday, Father’s Day. To all the dads out there who love their children, who provide for their kids, who don’t shirk their duties, I tip my hat. I have long held the belief most fathers get gypped on this day o? dads. Kids are in school when Mother’s […]

I’m still seeing green spots

While Don basks in the glory as “Best Local Columnist,” here’s a best of (?) Don’t Rush Me from the archives. If you, like we, think Rush’s head is getting toooooo big, please write us! * * * As I write, I can see green spots. Let me stop you right there . . . […]

Former Gov. Milliken on board to help local family free Larry Drum

Second in series Efforts to free former Lake Orion resident Larry K. Drum are picking up speed. Former Michigan governor, William Milliken has written a letter to current Governor Jennifer Granholm. ‘I felt his (Drum’s) was a worthy cause,? Milliken said in a telephone interview last Friday. ‘He’s served long enough and his family has […]

Burlap and Beads are her dreams

Her dream is simple enough: ‘I want to be an artist and save the world.? Pam Belding, Brandon Township resident (via California, Brazil and Mexico) is a spitfire redhead with a zest for life and lots of energy. She’s taken her talent and her high energy and started a home-based business, Burlap and Beads. Folks […]

It’s all Captain Bob-Lo’s fault!

By writing — by sharing this maybe, just maybe, I can help others who had this terrible experience come to grips and move on with their lives? * * * Part of growing up as a person, maturing if you will, is understanding your past as it relates to your present, and therefore future (what […]

A letter about pillow fights and sheep.

This is a letter from a reader. His response came after reading a column I penned a few weeks ago concerning pillow fighting in Detroit. I am not sure how to do it, but I’m sure you computer whizzes out there can find that column to refresh your frontal lobes before diving into Robert’s letter. […]

You can’t take ‘no? as an answer

In the dating scene, ‘no? means no. When it comes to asking your mortgage provider to work with you on changing your mortgage, it’s a different story. ‘I hear it repeatedly,? says attorney Jim Porritt, Jr., when describing what area residents tell him after first calling their lender. ‘They say, ‘All I hear is no.? […]

Ya gotta? hand it to the man . . .

Let me preface this bit of columnistic excellence with: I get lots of e-mail. I like it. E-mail is fun, it is convenient and it helps my fast-becoming-smooth bit of gray matter come up with ideas to flesh out. I get jokes. I get lists. I get greetings and salutations from family and friends near […]

Wild Night brings out the best in them

While they weren’t exactly howling at the full moon, they did have a wild night. Members and friends of the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy gathered at Indian Springs Metropark’s Discovery Center last Friday for the 5th Annual Wild Night Out Benefit Auction. ‘We had over 130 guests,? NOHLC executive director Katie Anderson said. ‘Proceeds […]

Historic Fort Wayne’s losing battle

This past weekend we packed up a backpack with turkey sandwiches and oatmeal cream snacks, loaded up the lads Shamus and Sean and took a trip to Detroit. Our destination: right where Livernois Avenue almost dumps into the Detroit River — as the crow flies, about a mile from the sunny shores of Canada. It’s […]