Some things are just plain wrong

Something must be terribly wrong with me. My thermostat must be out of whack; my sense of reality askew. Like many folks this past weekend, I spent quite a lot of time out of doors, shoveling some of the foot of snow we received. I shoveled the driveway not once, not twice, but three times. […]

Writing, being read and responded to

To some, I’m just a mild-mannered reporter-type. To my boys, I’m a stingy, skinflint, scrooge-like guy. To other’s, I’m a fast-graying dinosaur, that should be led out to pasture, making way for a new world without controversy. Whereever I am in the grand scheme of the big poobah in the sky, master, creator thingy, at […]

Go to the mountain

About once a year I go back to the farthest, darkest, creepiest place of the office, pull out and dust off my soapbox. I hop atop . . . and preach. Hark! Here I go again. Just what is a community newspaper? A community newspaper isn’t a regional, county, state or national newspaper. A community […]

Four Years

One of the groovy things about the internet, is that sooner or later rumors and ‘new? facts tend to reappear. The way I figure it, it takes about four years for stuff to span the globe, virtually speaking. Of course, I base this on personal experience. Just this past week I received an e-mail about […]

Polish monster slayers and more!

Keeping the monster away Reader Barb VonKniper responded to the plight of little four-year-old Sean Rush — his nighttime sleeping dilemma. Monsters were keeping the lad up. The lad was keeping his parents up. (So, really it was Sean’s parents? plight/dilemma.) I wrote about Monster spraying the home with Sean to keep the darkness at […]

Four years to make the rounds

One of the groovy things about the internet, is that sooner or later rumors and ‘new? facts tend to reappear. The way I figure it, it takes about four years for stuff to span the globe, virtually speaking. Of course, I base this on personal experience. Just this past week I received an e-mail about […]

Don’t look now, but somebody could be watching you

Well, this here is a new year, folks. And 2005, like every year before needs a good conspiracy. Personally, I really don’t give a rat’s behind about whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald acted by himself or with the mob or the CIA or the Russkies when he killed President Kennedy in 1963. Or, for […]

As we enter a new year a look to the past

My wife Jennie is always vigilant for possible column fodder for her very own husband. What follows she sent to me on April 6, 2004 at 9:24 a.m. If it is all true it would be very interesting reading. If it isn’t true, it is still interesting. So, as we say ciao to the year […]

Memorial Day and red poppies

‘Poppies! Poppies! Poppies!? — Something the Wicked Witch of the West may have uttered in the 1939 movie classic, ‘The Wizard of Oz? I know Memorial Day is at hand. And it’s not cuz I’m a veteran, genius or anything so noble or extravagant. Nope, not me. Atlas Township resident Jill Stodola wanted me to […]

Weekend drowning claims life of local man

The Memorial Day weekend turned tragic for the family of Oxford Township resident, Brent Alan Ford, 25. Ford died early Sunday morning, after he was found floating in Scripter Park Lake the evening before. ‘The medical examiners have determined Mr. Ford’s death was accidental drowning,? Oxford Police Chief Mike Neymanowski said, Monday morning. Neymanowski also […]