Want a lift? Go to a kindergarten concert

(This Jim’s Jottings was first published on May 17, 2006)There they stand. Twenty seven 5 and 6-year-olds, squirming and waving (except for our Haley and Trevor who barely moved, including their lips) until the teacher puts a finger to her mouth. Then, total silence. Total stillness. I should have had that control over our kids […]

Reins in my teeth, I’m clinging to the myth

Guess who was the first person I ever heard cuss on TV? John Wayne. Yep, it’s true. Folks today may not remember their ‘first? TV swear word because everybody swears on television these days. It’s commonplace. Old news. Not memorable. But, back a few years it just wasn’t so. So, late one night in the […]

Fixin’ the Model A

Fixin’ the Model A

This Jottings first was published on Thursday, April 8, 1971.One night last week I tightened the last nut on an engine overhaul on my wife’s Model A. I was rejoicing that I had completed several hours of auto repair work in recent weeks without scrubbing the skin off a knuckle.Then I discovered one last loose […]

A bust on Naked Gardening Day

Aside from the aesthetics of a pasty white dude glowing in the sunlight, gardening requires the use of a lot of sharp tools like shovels, saws, shears, clippers, nippers, cloppers and other things that just thinking about shivers me timbers.

A bust on Naked Gardening Day

I admit I am, at times, overly zealous in my enthusiasms. And, sometimes, even in public speaking roles, I can get on a roll where what comes out of my mouth is as much a surprise to my ears as to all those other hearing ears not attached to my head.Sometimes I just get too […]

A bust on Naked Gardening Day

I admit I am, at times, overly zealous in my enthusiasms. And, sometimes, even in public speaking roles, I can get on a roll where what comes out of my mouth is as much a surprise to my ears as to all those other hearing ears not attached to my head.Sometimes I just get too […]

A potpourri of thoughts

  In my more than 65 years of writing columns, etc., for our weekly newspapers, I don’t remember ever using the word “potpourri.” Now that I know what potpourri means, expect to see it in future Jottings. I’m going to use it as a mixture of thoughts and topics. I’ve been using every possible moment […]

A potpourri of thoughts

  In my more than 65 years of writing columns, etc., for our weekly newspapers, I don’t remember ever using the word “potpourri.” Now that I know what potpourri means, expect to see it in future Jottings. I’m going to use it as a mixture of thoughts and topics. I’ve been using every possible moment […]

From under what rock did I emerge?

Columnist’s Note: this week I get to be a truck drivin’, pallet jackin’, paper movin’ man — and I hate it. But, there you go. Here’s a column from 2010. Enjoy. *  *  * My dad always said, “Son, you should learn something new everyday.” I felt that was sound advice until I had about […]

From under what rock did I emerge?

Columnist’s Note: this week I get to be a truck drivin’, pallet jackin’, paper movin’ man — and I hate it. But, there you go. Here’s a column from 2010. Enjoy. *  *  * My dad always said, “Son, you should learn something new everyday.” I felt that was sound advice until I had about […]