No stickin? it to the man

You know and I know gas prices in these parts are, well, in a word sucky. According to, the statewide average cost for a Michigan gallon of gas in January 2007 was $2.11 (ah, the good ol? days). By the end of February the cost had crept up to $2.307 per gallon (still palatable). […]

Boy, are we predictable when it comes to . . .

The other week all the buzz around Metro Detroit centered around what was happening in Lake Orion. Detroit radio stations broadcasted live from remotes here, daily newspapers were reporting on the goings on here and, well, like I said there was quite the buzz. Unfortunately it wasn’t about how wonderful this neck of the woods […]

Orion tickets church for ‘Free Food? sign

In the last month, New Beginnings Baptist Church has given away 28 tons of free food to area families in need. And, while they are not looking for anything in return, they’ve received many smiles and thanks from grateful people, plus two tickets from Orion Township. At issue is a temporary sign the church displays […]

Critical thinking and why we believe what we do

I have often professed in this very spot in your community newspaper, that we really need to spend more time promoting critical thinking. When we hire a new reporter I try to cram in a lifetime’s worth of thought into one little lesson and it goes something like this: ‘Even if somebody you admire, respect […]

Look out for the local money grab (incognito)

Yeah, I know, I know — I have been quiet for quite a while. This, of course, doesn’t mean I have permanently put away my reporter’s fedora. On the contrary, my Friends of Conspiracy (FOC), I have been alert, watching and waiting. I have laid low, waiting for something to cross my path before launching […]

Neanderthal Don, ‘you’re a jerk,’ parts 1 and 2

While Don was off we ran this column from the August 2008 archives. We think he will approve. Some folks just have a way with words. As proof of my contention, I give you the People’s Evidence, Exhibit 1-A. It’s an e-mail from a reader, who really didn’t like when I opined on ‘The Women […]

Neanderthal Don, ‘you’re a jerk,’ parts 1 and 2

While Don was off we ran this column from the August 2008 archives. We think he will approve. Some folks just have a way with words. As proof of my contention, I give you the People’s Evidence, Exhibit 1-A. It’s an e-mail from a reader, who really didn’t like when I opined on ‘The Women […]

America: The Story of Us

In the eyes of my sons I am sure they view me as The Meanest Dad in town. To bolster that image, over the past three weekends I had on TV the History Channel’s, America: The Story of Us. As The Meanest Dad in town, I even said before starting the show, ‘And, now for […]

All-American Ambivalent Male

Some folks have a low tolerance for Buick-driving blue heads (for those not in the know, blue heads refer to those whose hair is a bluish-tinted gray). And, there are still others who get red-faced by the antics of pampered, postpubescent pukes who give little and expect all. Where you are on Don’s highly scientific […]

A kinder, gentler Don? Whadup wit? dat?

As the days get shorter, the mornings cooler (I actually saw my breath at about six Monday morn) and as fall approaches, I ask my self: ‘Self, are you a kinder, gentler Don?? I asked myself that question because over the weekend I found myself taking the time to notice things in the back yard […]