What good are cats anyway?

There was a time, oh, not too many years ago that I lived with a killing machine — and sometimes that murderous mammal even slept in the same bed as I. When the lights would go out and the family would be tucked safely under the covers, it usually began. Oh, the terrible sounds. It […]

Former Clarkston woman transforms herself

Life happens to the best of us. Sometimes fortune smiles warmly upon our faces . . . and other times (most of the time) it has a way of kicking us in the teeth. The trick, of course, is not only how we deal with the bloody lip, but also how we handle life when […]

Decoding the inherent goodness of Twinkies

Eating has been a part of my life well, since I was first a life form. I like eating. I like cooking. I like eating. I like going to restaurants. I like eating. I like all sorts of stuff. Uhmm — I don’t like beets. Let me say, I am also an individual who likes […]

Some white trash we need to avoid

Last week I was invited to cover a presentation in regards to weight management. I wasn’t sure the invitee, Jessica Green, was trying to tell me something, or she wanted press for the event. I’m still not sure. At any rate, I packed up my writing utensils (Yes, plural. A good reporter always has extras), […]

The wild, wild world of cockroaches

I’ve ridden round enough revolutions of this earth that I am pretty confident in my abilities. I lived, loved, laughed and cried. I’ve survived lows and highs. I can even walk alone at night in a deserted building and not be too scared. However, at this point in my life, I also know that Clint […]

Michigan has an interesting history

Folks who know me, know I dig history. I just like it. So, when I get interesting facts I like to pass them on. Reader Pam B (who is also a peace-nic/artisan type from out Brandon Township way) sent me these Michigan ‘facts.? I put the quotation marks around facts because, well, she’s originally from […]

Ignorant and dangerous Big Mac

Because an interview fell through before deadline, I have gone to Plan B for this week’s column. I shagged this ‘gem? from 10 years ago. Ah. Memories. I hope you enjoy. — Don * * * There’s an old, cliched saying that goes something like, ‘You can’t please them all.? Or is it, ‘You can […]

Stuff to think of on Valentine’s Day

Ah, February. Groundhogs, ice, snow and hearts of red, Valentine’s Day. To all, tell the ones you love that you love. And, if you really want to spice up your Valentine’s conversations, here are some topics to discuss. Taxation Without Representation Nothing can get your blood boiling like good lovin? and talk about that which […]

From the butt of critteres I give you . . .

I remember back when I had my first cup of coffee. BLACH! I was in college and forgotten a research paper was due the following morning that I had not yet researched. Oops. Caffeine entered my life that day and that night and following the early morning. (If you need to know, the class was […]

In search of: Lake Orion lore & more!

Captain’s Log, stardate 2013.06.26: Our destination, the farthest reaches of Lake Orion. Pretty cool thing happened on my tour tonight…we were going around Park Island and all of a sudden the boat moved really weird…it was like something pushed the boat sideways…something powerful. The water was plenty deep and we definitely could not touch bottom. […]