Has issues with alcohol in Centennial Park

Dear Editor, I read an article in The Oxford Leader on Sept. 16, 2020 about the plan to allow alcoholic beverages in open areas with the containers clearly marked with the business logo and the social district. I have no problem with this if there are restrictions on where these areas are located. I DO […]

Afternoon Sport

They shatter the afternoon in a daily pitch of high-powered gunfire here in rural Oxford, Michigan. The neighbors are spitting lead into the fields once seeded with feed-corn and alfalfa. Never mind the horse farms near-bye the golf course across the street never mind any consideration of residents or common sense. Someone famous wants to […]

Letters to the Editor

Calling out writer, Oxford Leader Dear Editor, I am writing to you to express my frustration and disappointment with your choice to publish the piece by Joe Wayda (Oct. 14). I understand that the letters are opinions, however you published a piece with no contrasting counterpart, and allowed Joe to blast out blatant falsehoods.This might […]

Vote Republican this November

Dear Fellow Addison Township and Oxford Township citizens, I remind you to Please Vote Now or on November 3! You can Vote In-Person at the Clerk’s office using an absentee ballot that you can obtain immediately. Please vote for and Re-elect John Reilly our State Representative 46th District. John has always been available to speak […]

Biden vs. Trump

Will you be voting for misery or prosperity on Election day? Biden says he will raise taxes. Trump wants to pass another tax cut. Biden will implement much more regulation on oil/gas industry resulting in much higher prices. Trump will continue to support oil/gas industry by fostering an environment of investment and exploration. Biden will […]

A call to get out and vote Republican for November 3 election

Dear Fellow Addison Township and Oxford Township citizens, Please Vote Now or on November 3rd! You can Vote In-Person at the Clerk’s office using an absentee ballot that you can obtain immediately. Please vote for and elect Joe Kent Oakland County Treasurer. Joe is our neighbor, lives in the community and does many volunteering roles. […]

Leader Question of the Week:

Since we got no traction with the last question, here’s a NEW Leader question of the week. Please respond. Question: “Are you voting by mail or in person, and why?” We had over 70 people respond — thank you! Here are some of the responses: Kevin Kadrich: In person. No particular reason other than it’s […]

Leader Question of The Week

Leader Question of The Week

On our Facebook page last week we asked readers, “Recently people protested in Lansing regarding mask rules for student athletes. What’s your take?” Thanks for participating! Here’s how you responded. Erica S D. They are outside, the variables on masks and how an individual body handles it during exercise and exertion is not something that […]

Oxford Leader Reader Question:

Oxford Leader Reader Question:

This year, because of COVID-19, should or will Halloween be different? On Facebook last week we asked readers to respond to this question: This year, because of COVID-19, should or will Halloween be different? Here’s how you responded: Destiny J. No, Halloween should be left as is. We have succeeded with school being face-to-face for […]

Twenty-five cents on the dollar

Twenty-five cents on the dollar

Dear Editor, That is the amount our state legislators and the governor have put into law that will fund any increase in enrollment for our public schools. Recently, the state legislators and the governor determined that some of our DK–12 students are not as “valued” as others. They are deserving of only 25% of the […]

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